ワールド・ファミリー広報室ブログ - 幼児・子供英語の「ディズニー英語システム(DWE)」やスーパーキッズ、英語教育に関する情報満載!


【第3回 Super Kids コンテスト】結果発表!!!

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ワールド・ファミリー広報室主催「第3回 Super Kids コンテスト」におきまして、全国各地からたくさんのご応募をいただきありがとうございました!!







Thank you everyone for your wonderful videos!

Watching them made me very happy. I was so impressed with everyone’s English pronunciation as well as everyone’s creativity!
Every video was interesting and fun to watch.

But most of all I was amazed at everyone’s English ability!
You are all SUPER!
It was so hard to pick the winners because everyone was so good.
I really think everyone is a winner this time!

Big hugs from Mark






★かえで ちゃん(長野県)


Amazing! I loved your cute kitchen and your wonderful smile! What great English pronunciation! I want to eat your food and speak English with you!

★ゆめ ちゃん(栃木県)


Are you really only 3 years old!? Your English pronunciation is fantastic. I love Jack in the Beanstalk too!

★さら ちゃん(東京都)


What a beautiful and colorful drawing of Minnie Mouse! Your English is amazing! And I love your beautiful smile too!

★ひまり ちゃん(兵庫県)


You made a wonderful presentation about scratch art in English! That’s amazing. Great pronunciation!

★こたろう くん(愛媛県)


Spiderman! Wow! I learned a lot from your excellent presentation in English. I like your suit and your great English pronunciation!

★さな ちゃん(兵庫県)


I loved your ice cream masterpiece! You are an artist and a great English speaker. What great vocabulary and pronunciation!

★りく くん(大阪府)


What an amazing explanation of our solar system. Are you going to be a scientist when you grow up? Or an astronomer? Your English presentation is GREAT!

★めいこ ちゃん・ももこ ちゃん(東京都)


What a fun conversation about birthday cake! Cake for everyone! Your English is super!

★ののか ちゃん・そういちろう くん・なぎさ ちゃん(大阪府)


I loved the shapes you made. Most of all I loved your presentation! It was like watching a TV variety show! You are superstars! And you speak great English!

★れな ちゃん(神奈川県)


My hobby is drawing pictures too! I loved your drawings of the cats. You are a talented artist! And your English is great. I love your pretty smile!!





改めまして「第3回 Super Kids コンテスト」にご応募いただいた皆さま、誠にありがとうございました!
